Tired of fake traffic and fake signups? Tired of getting no results?


We are frequently asked how does this work? How do you generate traffic or capture
signups for our page? Are your visitors real?
In short, we produce all our traffic by showing your site to real guests surfing our publisher network. We do not use fake or black hat marketing techniques to generate traffic or signups to your page.
Since 2008, we have been working to build relationships with websites, marketing programs and other traffic networks we feel would significantly benefit our customers. We are constantly working to ensure the growth and expansion of SFI Coop. To do this, we reach out to popular blogs, websites and social media platforms that receive millions of unique visitors each month and invite them to join our publisher network.
Our constantly growing network of more than 25,000 websites gives us a worldwide audience reach of over 21.5 million unique visitors (and growing) each month. Our network specializes in hundreds of different niches and caters to visitors from over 40 different locations worldwide. We are constantly looking to find and acquire new publishers each day who allow us to display our client’s websites to their visitors.
One of the most important factors in online advertising is targeting the correct audience. We use a combination of contextual targeting and Geo-targeting to match our client’s websites to visitor’s surfing our publisher’s network. Selecting the correct contextual targeting is fundamental to getting the best results out of your advertising campaign and should not be overlooked.
We currently have over 325 different contextual targets to choose from and can provide web traffic from more than 50 locations worldwide. And we are constantly adding to our growing network each and every day.