Where can I advertise to get good results?

A: Here’s the thing. If we were to tell all of our affiliates to advertise at Website XYZ, that Website would instantly and immediately be reduced to no value for anyone. Like a good fishing hole, if everyone fishes there, there will no longer be any fish to catch for anyone. Hence, we simply cannot recommend specific places to advertise.

That said, here are a some tips for finding good advertising sources:

1. There are BILLIONS of Websites and blogs. Use a search engine like Google to find Websites and blogs that interest you. Now start surfing. When you find one you like and/or that you know has a good amount of traffic, contact the Webmaster (there’s usually a “Contact Us” link in the footer or header of most sites) and ask about advertising on their site. You might be shocked at how cheap you can get banners on some fairly high traffic sites.

Also, don’t be surprised if some of the Websites you start advertising on decide to become affiliates themselves (sponsored by you of course). Each time this happens, you will have just created FREE (which is even better than cheap) advertising for your business!

Note: Do NOT broach the topic of them joining SFI initially or they will consider your contact to actually be SPAM and they will probably report you as a spammer. Get your ad on their site first. Later, you can start dropping a few hints (e.g. “By the way, you might want to consider allowing me to sponsor you in SFI. It’s free to join, but I can show you how you can earn about $60 a year on each person who signs up from your Website.”). You can have them sign up immediately under you by clicking on your banner on their Website.

Over time, you could have dozens or even hundreds of popular Websites carrying your banner ads for FREE—generating a commission check that grows and grows every month.